Glenn Twiddle and Lisa B discuss
Facebook for real estate agents
Question 3
Glenn has been very successful with his own Facebook marketing – Today he shares with us a few tips that have worked for him.
Lisa B – Once people have built a tribe or they have built a following of local business owners or local communities, how do you think agents should then communicate with those prospective people. To get listings and to get sales.
Glenn – I think that’s probably the big faux pas – Agents are on Facebook with their personal page and I’ve even seen some agents set up a personal profile, calling themselves their brand name. I think that’s a massive mistake. because sometimes people forget the 2 elements of the words social media.
They either forget that it’s social and they put nothing but their office name… just listed photos etc.. or they forget its media and they just get on there and talk about what they had for lunch and forget that this is a business opportunity as well.
Once you’ve got these people connected to you. I think you must understand that they are a person. They are a human being. It’s kind of like a 24 hour – 7 day a week BBQ. Whatever you would do at a BBQ – do on Facebook. So what you wouldn’t do at BBQ – don’t do on Facebook.
For example.. If you walked into a BBQ and all you did at the entire BBQ was pull out your listing presentation forms and kit … You would be thrown out of the party. And rightly so.
It would be ok at the BBQ to engage in conversations, to talk and make comments, swap goofy photos, talk about what they had for lunch and have a conversation – depending on how familiar you are with them.
When you engage in conversations, you will eventually become known to them as that person, who happens to be ‘X’ (real estate agent etc)
eg I’m that crazy guy on Facebook that happens to be a real estate trainer.
For the real estate agents, they might end up being known as …… that’s that real estate guy or girl, who’s really interesting.
They know you’re in real estate as that’s not all you have shoved down their throat on your news feed.
On a ratio of 3 or 4 to one.. for every 3 or 4 social postings you can post one business post. That’s just my take.. Then again.. understand… I’m not the expert on this… I’m just a guy who’s had a crack at a whole bunch of things.. I’ve gone and waded my way through, on gut feel, and what experts like yourself have taught me.
I’ve managed to do it some what well.
Lisa B. – I think an important thing to also consider is – Don’t market to people the way people don’t like to be marketed to. As Real estate agents, we’ve phone prospected, we’ve door knocked – We’ve done all those things that people just don’t like.. and we’ve done a lot of it. I’m not saying to stop doing that all together now.. but online you can market to people in a way where people can relate to you better, rather than forcing it down their throat.
I hope your guys appreciate what Im about to tell you….. I normally reserve this for my clients.
You can search graphically for people who have friends in common with you on Facebook.
Some people say.. Oh I would do that.. i don’t want to send them a friend request.. cause they don’t know me..
You’ve got a whole lot of people in common…they know some people you know… however they wouldn’t be willing to put a little private message to them saying…. we have a lot of joint friends.. maybe the universe wants us to connect – and then send the friend request.
Yet those same people would be happy to door knock or phone prospect and get people up from the dinner table and interrupt their family time to offer a free appraisal.
To me a Facebook friend request, when executed nicely in a genuine way, can be the equivalent of that cold call. The consumer can then answer it in their own time.
They’re on Facebook, not being interrupted from the dinner table.
Agree 100%
Glenn Twiddle is a real estate trainer –
Click here for Glenns website –
Lisa B. helps real estate agents to use the internet to kick butt online.
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