Why real estate agents SHOULD host their very own podcast show.
With the internet fast becoming all about voice – You only have to look at Google Home, Alexa and Siri. Voice is the way of the future.
But you can’t be boring! I will show you how to have an entertaining show whilst becoming the most well known real estate agent in your area.
In order to have top of mind awareness with your potential customers…… you have to have a brand that is welcoming and marketing that is engaging and enticing.
That’s not that hard to do…. and yes.. one way you can start is by having your own real estate podcast show.
What are the benefits of having podcasts in your Real Estate business
- It can be very cost effective
- You will have a clear point of difference to your competitors
- Podcasts give you instant authority
- You will be recognised as the expert with your own real estate show on stations like itunes, Overcast and Stitcher – Eg XYX Real Estate Show – Or John Smith Real Estate Show

- You have instant credibility
- itunes alone has access to over 800 million users (2013 statistics)
- You are showing you are current with up to date marketing techniques
- You are actively promoting yourself and your company – you are building on your brand
- You are working on your business (not only in your business)
- You are using keywords and helping your company be found on search engines
- You will attract markets that you will not have attracted in any other way
- It’s easy – some agents would love to produce video but are just too scared to get in front of the camera. Podcasts are much less threatening as you are not in front of a camera
- You can be less formal – you will be having a conversation to your listeners in a way that is more authentic to who you are
- Podcasts are audio only. So….. You don’t have to wear makeup, get your hair done or wear business clothes
- You can use your podcasts as a ‘listing tool’. If you are trying to secure a listing with a potential vendor – you can offer that if they list with you, you can do a half hour podcast specifically about their property to be syndicated to 3 podcast stations. Giving them huge exposure on your website, social media channels and podcast channels
- You can target your content to your market
- One of the best things about podcasts is that it’s a fantastic way to repurpose your material – you can transcribe the podcast, you will have the podcast on a number of channels and you can create a video from the audio you have.. your material is blasted everywhere on the internet. As we know, Google loves fresh content.
What should you talk about in your podcast?
Podcast ideas –
You can choose a theme –
- Top 10 tips on how to sell your home – How to choose the method of sale right for you
- Top 10 tips on how to present your home
- Top 10 tips on how to choose a real estate agent
- Top 10 things to do when you are buying a home
- Top 10 tips on how much should you pay a real estate agent
You can interview industry experts under the same theme –
Please find some videos I did a long time ago…
- Top 10 tips from an architect
- Top 10 tips from a property valuer
- Top 10 tips from a mortgage broker
- Top 10 tips from a property photographer
- Top 10 tips from a buyers agent
- Top 10 tips from a property manager
- Top 10 tips from a pest and building inspector
- Top 10 tips from a interior decorator
- Top 10 tips from a property developer
- Top 10 tips from a property investor
- Top 10 tips from a landscape gardener
- Top 10 tips on buying and selling from a real estate agent
- Top 10 tips on buying and selling from a solicitor/conveyancer
You are promoting local property businesses and tapping into their networks at the same time.
Interview ‘local celebrities’ – People who are well known and interesting
- You could interview older people to get their thoughts on how the area has changed
Feature a local business at the end of every podcast.
- You could have a paid sponsor as your podcast introduction.
Feature properties – property of the week
- Either have a show exclusively for your property of the week or you could have every podcast end with a property of the week.
If there is something that’s happening in your area that residents need to know about –
Talk about it on your show.. eg they are proposing to close off your main street and make it a mall…
Weekly Market updates –
- What’s happening in the market where you are RIGHT NOW?
Find some listings! Are you looking for a certain property for a particular buyer?
- Let your listeners know what your buyers want, they might be able to help you find your buyers their ideal home.
- Interview some buyers that are desperately looking for the right home for them. Ask them what’s happened so far, why haven’t they found their ideal home… what they are looking to buy..
Record a show telling everyone what it’s really like to live in your area
Do suburb profiles – highlight each suburb with what it has to offer.
Always test your results –
If you are putting out podcasts regularly and you are not getting a lot of followers, think about the following..
- Are your topics interesting enough?
- How do you sound? How is your delivery? Ask for honest opinions.
- Have you got your podcast on a prominent location on your website?
- Are you sending a link to your podcast out on your newsletter and property alert?
- Are you using social media to drive traffic to your podcast?
- Are you using hashtags, keywords etc
- Are you running Facebook ads?
If you are satisfied that your content and your delivery is good but your aren’t getting people to your site, then you need to assess your marketing.
Who else uses podcasts that you may know?

Do you want your own podcast?
Click here and get started
Lisa B will help you build a massive online profile easily.
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If you would like coaching on your online presence click here
If you would like your own podcast channels click here
By the way…. What’s your favourite podcast show?
What’s your thoughts on using podcasts in real estate?