Interview with Matthew Shadbolt- Corcoran Group
Realtors blitzing it with Social Media Real Estate
This interview was conducted when Matthew was the Director of Interactive Product & Marketing at The Corcoran Group – New York
Mathew now works as Director of Real Estate Products at The New York Times.
We’ve been on Facebook just over 4 years.
Is that where you started with social media?
We didn’t start social with Facebook. We were a bit late to the party with Facebook. We were big embracers of Twitter. Twitter was the first thing we ever did on social, really because we had a customer service problem with our website, we couldn’t talk to people on our website.
We were very much marketing a presence of transparency and openness and ask us anything….. However we weren’t really living that online. So Twitter actually solved that problem for us in terms of being able to open the door to communicate – so we started that with Twitter.
What happened was that we started to share all this different content and have different conversations. We then ended up with a curation problem. That we wanted to create a product around this idea taken from the best of Twitter. Because ulitmatily what we do on Twitter, we do on Facebook.
We post one thing everyday, no matter what that day is.. holidays, birthdays or whatever. Every single day we post something.
It’s the best of what we do on Twitter.
Take home message from Matthew –
Aim to converse openly with your target market.
Promote transparency within your agency.
EVERY SINGLE DAY post something on your page.
Learn from what Matthew and his team do. Watch their page!

This interview with Matthew Shadbolt is proudly brought to you by ‘Dominate the internet’
This is question one in the series with Matthew.
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Lisa B. Social Media Real Estate Trainer