Lisa B Presents


If you implement the Systems and Strategies in
The Real Estate Club, you will have access to at least
20 more listings every year.


Lisa B provides free real estate training to real estate agents everywhere. Lisa B is a proud member of eXp realty. Lisa B is a real estate trainer and real estate coach.

What would you do with an extra 20 listings a year?

Join The Real Estate Club
Some of the courses included -

Gazillions Of Ways To Get Listings

Real Estate Marketing Academy including
Dominate The Internet

Q and A Interviews

Real Estate Video Domination

The tools to write your professional bio

Access to The Real Estate Club Facebook Group

Your Mentor – Lisa B

The Real Estate Club – The Entire Resource Library

The Real Estate Club Has Comprehensive Content On These 12 Topics ​

What you get for the very low price of $997

Gazillions Of Ways To Get Listings
Value -$997


Gazillions Of Ways To Get Listings is an in depth course where we show you step by step how to source leads and create business where no business existed before.

As we know, working in real estate is very different from working in a retail store where customers walk in and buy the stock you have on the shelf.

You must know how to source listings.

Gazillions of Ways To Get Listings has over 54 ways to get listings.

You will have unwavering confidence to know that no matter what, no matter where you are… you can find sellers.

What a skill to have!

Gazillions Of Ways To Get Listings will teach you EXACTLY how to find prospective sellers.

You will have an entire prospecting system that you can implement.

You will also learn additional ways to convert prospects to clients.

We will teach you how to think like an entrepreneur when it comes to real estate.

We want to think smarter not work harder. ​

Real Estate Marketing Academy including
Dominate The Internet
Value – $497


Build Your Brand

The Real Estate Marketing Academy is your one stop course on how to build a massive profile online.

You will learn step by step specifically how to build a massive online profile and presence making you the agent your market place knows.

We will show you how to position yourself as the expert real estate agent in your local area.

Do you love marketing?

So do we!

We will show you how to market your personal brand and your business brand.

We will show you how to build your online profile.

It’s time to take things up a notch or ten.

Q and A Interviews
Value – $397


We have Exclusive Interviews with leading agents and authorities.

All who understand what it’s REALLY like NOW on the frontline of real estate!

Learn from some of the best in the business.

See just some of the many industry experts below. ​

Real Estate Video Domination
Value – $497


Are you looking for a point of difference in your market?

Everyone knows that YouTube is one of the biggest search engines in the world, so you really should be looking at doing more video!

Real Estate Video Domination will show you how to
stand out using video.

We have many ways that you can use video in your real estate career.

Stand out and be seen!

Think like and entrepreneur with video marketing. ​

The Real Estate Club Hat
Value – $30

The Real Estate Club hats!  

Get yours today! 

PDF Versions of all my Best Selling Books

Value – $80

Secret Agents

Real Estate Agents Reveal All

Real Estate Agents What You Need To Know Now

Banish The Bitch And Bring Out The Babe

I Will Give You The Tools To Write Your Professional Bio
Value – $497

Real Estate Agents underestimate the importance of a well written bio. Vendors WILL Google you before they do business with you, so you better look amazing!  In The Real Estate Club, we will give you to tools to acheive the best possible bio you can have, to attract the best possible clients you can.  

Access to Lisa B and The Real Estate Club Facebook Group

Value – $Priceless

Access to Lisa B via The Real Estate Club Facebook Group. 

The Entire Real Estate Club Library

Value – $1599

Interviews, templates, swipe files, everything you need to be successful in your Real Estate career.  


This is literally the A-Z of Real Estate Training.

We have everything you need to know about the CRITICAL areas of working in
Real Estate that you simply MUST KNOW to succeed.

This is everything they didn't teach you in your licensing course.
How to prospect, appraise, list, market, overcome objections, negotiate, build your referral business plus so much more.

We help real estate agents build their dream business whilst helping them grow and build knowledge.

Sample of the topics covered in the Resource Library

Under each category are interviews, resources and information about each topic to assist you in your career.

Over $3,987 Worth Of Value - For only a few dollars a week.

We have highly experienced agents and expert instructors who
will share their knowledge with you.

You don't know what you don't know.

You also get ongoing support in our Facebook Group - Priceless
  • Advice From Top Producers – What Would They Do Different If They Were Starting Again
  • How To Do A Market Appraisal

  • What Do You Do In A Boom Market? During And After

  • How Do You Work Out Your Break Even Point?
  • How To Complete A Real Estate Agents Business Plan
  • How To Deal With Buyers

  • How To Be Happy – Categories Of Improvement

  • How Do You Choose A Farm Area?

  • What Do You Do At Settlement?
  • How Do You Work With Covid – 19?

  • How To Increase Your Confidence?

  • Great Content for real estate agents
  • Content Creation Tips
  • What Is The Best CRM For Real Estate Agents?  

  • How Do You Ensure Great Culture In Your Real Estate Business?
  • What Are Some Great Examples Of Real Estate Billboards?
  • What Are Some Great Examples Of Flyers? 
  • What’s great Customer Service?
  • How Do You Keep A Record Of Buyer Enquiries?

  • Ethics In Real Estate
  • Support For Exp Members

  • Are You Feeling Flat?  What Do You Do About It?
  • How To Set Goals In Real Estate
  • Goal Planning Tips

  • How To Be Healthy In Real Estate

  • How To Build A Massive Online Profile
  • How To Build A Massive Offline Profile
  • How To Prospect For Listings
  • How To Be A Professional Real Estate Agent
  • How To Stay Motivated
  • What Does A Great Leader Look Like In Real Estate?
  • Do You Have Limiting Beliefs About Money?

  • Tips On Real Estate Marketing

  • Marketing Plans And Strategies
  • How To Plan Your Marketing
  • Your Marketing Calendar
  • Your Online Marketing Checklist 

  • Marketing Tips For Real Estate Agents

  • What Meetings Should You Have In Real Estate?

  • How Do You Change Your Mindset?

  • Negotiation – Everything You Need To Know 

  • How To Conduct A Normal Sale

  • How To Conduct Open Houses
  • How To Handle Objections About Auctions
  • How To Handle Objections About Fees
  • How To Handle Objections About The Asking Price
  • How To Handle Objections About For Sale Signs
  • How To Handle Objections
  • How To Handle Objections About Listing With A Friend
  • How To Handle Objections About Open Houses – For
  • How To Handle Objections About Open Houses – Against
  • How To Handle Objections About Open Listings

  • How To Prepare For The Holidays

  • How To Obtain Price Adjustments

  • Vendor Management – How To Handle Vendors

  • How To Handle Large Numbers Of Listings

  • How To Beat Procrastination

  • Property Management Tips 

  • How Do You Find Listings?  Access Gazillions Of Ways To Get Listings
  • Best Prospecting Letters
  • How Do You Get Referrals In Real Estate?

  • Rejection – How To Cope

  • Real Estate Sales Tips 

  • What To Do In A Sales And Listing Slump

  • Real Estate Scripts And Dialogues

  • What Review Sites Do You Use?

  • When Do You Hire A PA? 

  • What To Do If You Are Addicted To Social Media 

  • Real Estate Social Media Tips

  • Best Technology In Real Estate
  • How To Prepare To Buy Or Sell A Rent Roll

Get access to our Community Facebook Page

Share information, knowledge and support.


Cutting edge real estate training for real estate agents who are serious about growing a thriving
real estate business securing more listings and sales - AND having fun whilst doing it!

Lisa B provides free real estate training to real estate agents everywhere. Lisa B is a proud member of eXp realty. Lisa B is a real estate trainer and real estate coach.

Hi... My name is Lisa B and I'm dedicated to showing you how to secure a minimum of 20 additional new listings every year.


So What Is The Real Value?

Market value: $4,597

This offer is for a limited time only!

Lisa B provides free real estate training to real estate agents everywhere. Lisa B is a proud member of eXp realty. Lisa B is a real estate trainer and real estate coach.
Lisa B provides free real estate training to real estate agents everywhere. Lisa B is a proud member of eXp realty. Lisa B is a real estate trainer and real estate coach.
Lisa B provides free real estate training to real estate agents everywhere. Lisa B is a proud member of eXp realty. Lisa B is a real estate trainer and real estate coach.
Lisa B provides free real estate training to real estate agents everywhere. Lisa B is a proud member of eXp realty. Lisa B is a real estate trainer and real estate coach.
Lisa B provides free real estate training to real estate agents everywhere. Lisa B is a proud member of eXp realty. Lisa B is a real estate trainer and real estate coach.
Lisa B provides free real estate training to real estate agents everywhere. Lisa B is a proud member of eXp realty. Lisa B is a real estate trainer and real estate coach.
Lisa B provides free real estate training to real estate agents everywhere. Lisa B is a proud member of eXp realty. Lisa B is a real estate trainer and real estate coach.

All of this - Over $3,987 Worth Of Value -

For only a few dollars a week.

We want you to think smarter NOT work harder!

Join The Real Estate Club now and receive everything listed above

One Time Payment


includes GST

4 Easy Payments

$297/month for 4 months

includes GST

Refund and Cancellation Policy

If you complete every one of the modules in Gazillions Of Ways To Get Listings and Real Estate Video Domination in full within 30 days, completing worksheets and course material and you can show that you have implemented the strategies in full and you did not generate a single lead, we will give you a 100% refund. Guaranteed!

© Lisa B • Real Estate Coach and Trainer • 2021