How can the 4 hour work week principles work
in real estate?
‘Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority,
it is time to pause and reflect’
Mark Twain
My take on the 4 Hour work week for real estate
The new rich create lifestyles in the present, using the currency of the new rich
We are going to explore the art of lifestyle design
A major point Tim makes –
Life doesn’t HAVE to be so hard
People convince themselves that life has to be hard and that work has to be hard
Let’s resign from the 10 to 14 hour work days
6 – 7 days a week
Let’s work on having more time off through technology, leveraging, outsourcing and systems
Let’s do what others think is impossible
Let’s make it a reality
What do people want?
Destination – people don’t want to be millionaires, they want the lifestyle money can buy
It’s freedom
Separate income from time and create a lifestyle
Most real estate agents suffer from a lack of time
Goal is about fun and profit
The perfect job is to automate making money
It’s about deal making
Just so we are clear here before we start…
I’m not talking about only working 4 hours a week in real estate sales.
I’m talking about using the principles that Tim teaches to cut down your hours,
automate your systems and have more holidays
Enjoy work and have a life.
Further updates to follow
‘I’m not nervous – I’m excited’
Tim Ferriss
Lisa Tremolada shows real estate agents how to kick butt on the internet.
How to have a massive point of difference.
How to stand out from the crowd and how to attract sellers to them.
After reading Tim Ferriss’s book The 4 hour work week, it literally changed my life. I had owned numerous real estate offices in the past and after reading Tim’s book, I decided then and there, that I wanted to change my business model to a virtual business. A business that I could work from anywhere. I wanted it, that my location did not determine where and when I could work. So I started implementing the principles of the book. I also kept in mind throughout the book, how I could apply Tim’s theory to the real estate profession. My quest is to give real estate agents the tools to work less hours and make more money.