I have been involved in the real estate industry since 1989, and own my own agency in Beachmere in the Moreton Bay region. I’m a fully licensed agent and have seen many changes to technology and the way it’s used. My career in real estate started when I left school, using an old typewriter, carbon paper and a mobile phone the size of a large brick!
These days, people text, tweet, Facebook or email first instead of picking up the phone. We embrace the old with the new and take iPads to our open homes instead of note paper! One thing that’s remained constant for me, however, is the ability to communicate and provide great customer service; whether it’s on the phone, face to face or via electronic communication,
I like to ensure my clients have a personal connection. People are our business and we must continue to provide a human service as well as an electronic one. Matching people with property is what I love the most.
For further information, interviews or speaking engagements, please contact Carolyn:
0418 283 762
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