Your Real Estate Online Marketing Profile
The online world can be confusing, it can be overwhelming.
We all know however, that you need to be online for your business.
Let’s break down what you need to do into 6 key areas.
Prepare – Essential Internet foundations – You need to create a solid base of content and reliability of who you are and what you stand for. Build trust. Prepare your branding, your message and your material.
Protect – Protect your brand online – You need to make sure you have brand protection strategies in place.
Position – You need to position yourself as the expert agent in your area. You need to further build authority and trust.
Profile – You need to create and add further to your online content to build a massive online profile. This is your online resume.
Pitch and Profit – You need to market yourself to create opportunities and profits online. Always be marketing.

Lisa B.
Lisa B. helps real estate agents to use the internet to kick butt online.
It’s easy when you know how.
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