Podcast Summary
Rejection is part of our everyday life in real estate – we need to look at that different.
Real estate a numbers game.
Richard Branson doesn’t get everyone flying virgin.. You can’t win them all. Get used to it!
I bought a brand new car many years ago and a seller judged me for it.. He didn’t list with me because of my car. It had nothing to do with my ability. He just didn’t like me because I had that car.
Find commonality when you go to appraisals. Find someone they know.. Something that interests both of you.
Only care about what YOU think and those whose opinions you respect and care about.
When you have haters or you have negative responses, take it as a gift. Use it for positive marketing.
You will always get people that don’t like you. Don’t worry about it!
Don’t live in fear of critics otherwise you will never do anything.