Online Auctions for real estate agents – Market Buy

Online Offer Management System.

Real Estate Agents – there’s a new way of doing things.

Did you know that your buyers can now submit offers to buy property online?

Introducing Market Buy – An online offer management program.

Today I asked David Stewart from Market Buy to tell us a little bit about his program.

Market buy is a professional, transparent system that allows agents to manage online offers – whether it’s a single offer or multiple offers.

Why would agents or sellers of real estate choose to use this system?
The real estate world is changing and we can all see it. Consumers are getting smarter and they are doing a lot of research online before they choose whom to talk to.

Real Estate agents have existed for many years as the gatekeepers of information and we have tightly controlled the information we release and what we keep to ourselves. This approach is no longer viable. There are online tools available that make consumers as informed on the state of the market, historical sales data and predicted sales prices as we are.

The real estate industry needs to adapt to this changing paradigm and we need to adjust how we position ourselves in the sales process.

No longer can we get away with declaring that we can negotiate better than anyone else or that we have access to more buyers than the company down the street, consumers know that this is simply not true. We need to market ourselves as the architect of a competitive sales program by being the conductor in the strange and sometimes challenging orchestra that is positioning a property for a highly sought after and competitive sale.

That is where Market Buy comes in. Firstly Market Buy gives consumers the confidence that we as agents are offering a pathway to a trusted, transparent and secure method to submit offers, free from agent manipulation and offering a true chance to buy the property – provided they can come up with the best price.

Secondly we give our owners the chance to fully engage in the sale. We are not keeping them waiting on a knife-edge waiting for our call. We are not shoving them into a lounge room away from the action while an Auction takes place on their front lawn. We are inviting them into the sale, as valued participants and we are handing them the control of their own destiny.

They can see the interest and they can draw their own conclusions from that. If it’s highly competitive, great. If it’s not, then it’s not your doing, it’s simply a function of the market. We can be secure in the knowledge that we have offered the very best chance for all buyers to compete.

From the perspective of the owner, it just makes sense. As the majority of people these days have their noses buried in a device of some type, then it stands to reason that rather than fight this new reality, we should instead take the sales to a platform that makes use of this new normal.

We present the opportunity to buy in a format that is instantly comfortable and familiar. By doing this, we are creating a situation where buyers are more likely to engage in the sales process offering the owners a great chance of a competitive sale.

The final point I would like to illustrate is this. Buyers and to a lesser extent Vendors, don’t like us. They deal with us reluctantly and only because the sales process frightens them. If we can be the industry that adapts and relinquishes some of our control but work instead on creating the best environment for buyers to interact with a property and the sale process, then by default we are doing the very best for our owners.

We will create more competition and quicker sales.

What’s the pay off for you?

They are many and varied. You get greater efficiencies. I am running two sales due to go live at the same time on the same night. I will be able to monitor both remotely and allow myself to achieve a level of productivity that would have been very difficult pre Market Buy.

You become known as the agent that is willing to embrace new technology for the benefit of your clients. How do I know this?

Simply because, right now, I am a part time real estate agent. I spend more of my time dealing with other agents and setting their Market Buy accounts up than I do talking to potential clients or general follow up. I am listing better than I have for a while now and it is simply due to people knowing what I do.

I had a lady walk in the other day and demand that I sell her unit with my software. I am not going to argue with her, I just signed her up. A buyer of one of my properties had her agent all lined up to sell her house. She purchased through Market Buy, cancelled the appointment to list with the other agents and signed up with me on the spot. Now that’s listing power and it has nothing to with me being a superstar lister or being able to negotiate better than my competitors.

It simply comes down to the fact that I do what no one else in my market can do. I have given people a clear, undeniable point of difference.

In a world where we all do the same thing, say the same thing and operate as carbon copies of each other, this powerful differentiation has allowed a self confessed part time agent to repeatedly beat much larger, more established agents. Now imagine if I used the power of this software full time and applied myself in a single-minded exercise to promoting it to local clients?

I would quickly find myself with more listings than I would know what to do with. That, however, is not my goal. I simply want enough listings to allow me to keep testing features and new releases of my software without the need to bother other real estate agents.

Complete area domination using Market Buy? Well, I’m going to leave that up to you, but if you never want to fight for fee or argue advertising costs again, this software is a great place to start.

David Stewart

Phone – 0438 590 157